Hope For The Future

We treat infertility uniquely, because of our own personal journey with it and successful holistic treatment experience.

The approach we use has helped countless families across our country successfully overcome their infertility challenges.

Explore our holistic fertility group coaching program, Positivity Fertility; a program grounded in a root cause approach which optimizes wellness for generations to come.

Dedicated to guiding couples on their fertility journey to reach their optimal health and help make positive changes for future generations.

Hosted by Dr. Mandy Patterson, ND & Dr. Jeanie Schlafly, DO

Physician-Led Holistic Fertility Clinic

Experience what it's like to be heard.

Get your health back.

Turn your dreams into reality.

You’ve Exhausted All Options

Your lifelong dream has been to start a family or grow it. And, after months or years of trying — you feel hopeless. Our very own Dr. Jeanie Schlafly, lived it herself.

We are well-equipped to help you turn your dream into a reality. Because we’ve been in your shoes and come out the other side of the infertility journey with hope and happiness. And because we work with couples using a proven holistic approach to health and fertility.

Additionally, because we know how difficult and lonely this journey can feel, we focus not only on your reproductive physical health but your emotional health, too. 

So, why wait any longer? Let’s get started and find the root cause(s), and turn your journey of fertility into a journey of parenthood.


Support | Experience | Understanding

Our team is devoted to guiding you through this journey. The care we give is supportive, nurturing, and highly skilled. We believe in tackling your health hurdles together.

We are Denver’s only Holistic, Osteopathic Physician-lead Fertility Clinic. We are IFM, and Fertile Foundations Certified making our expertise and experience unmatched.

We recognize that overcoming infertility takes compassion and understanding from your provider. We know why it’s important because we’ve been in your shoes before.

Meet Your Fertility Specialist

Dr. Jeanie Schlafly is a mom, wife, anesthesiologist turned fertility specialist. Dr. Jeanie’s holistic fertility clinic is located at Nurture Wellcare Marketplace (video meetings are available, as well). She’s following the methods and practices she learned from one of the industry's best to help families with their long-term reproductive health goals.

How It Works

Book Free Video Appointment

Book a free, 30-minute video appointment with Dr. Jeanie Schlafly to discuss the Fertile Foundations™ program and how she can help your family.

Book an Insights Session

The 45 min insights session (video or in-person) costs only $150. We will review your Day 3 labs, look at your history, answer questions, and determine if we are a good fit.

Begin the Program

It’s important that both partners are involved in the initial conversations to determine if we are a good fit. If we’re a good match, we’ll dive straight into the Fertile Foundations™ program. We can’t wait to work with you!

The Fertile Foundations Program

The Fertile Foundations program is a holistic approach to treating infertility. We take a look at the whole body to uncover what could be the root cause, and then we work on optimizing both partners’ health.

The program has helped numerous families across our country successfully overcome their infertility challenges and have healthy babies. We’re ready to help your family today!

Featured Baby of the Month!

Meet our shining star, born in January 2024!

We celebrate a special story of hope and joy—highlighting the wonderful outcomes possible with Baby Hope Fertility. Let this adorable face inspire your own path to parenthood.

Ready to start your fertility journey? Schedule your consultation with Dr. Jeanie Schlafly today!

Success Stories

Endorsement From

Fertile Foundations™ Founder

“Dr Jeanie has completed the Fertile Foundations Certification Program and passed with flying colors! Not only has she deeply understood the fertility journey, she also mastered how best to support it with use of natural/functional approaches. The Fertile Foundations method that Dr Jeanie has trained in has helped hundreds of couples get pregnant quickly and go on to have healthy babies. Additionally, I find Dr. Jeanie to be a great listener and a compassionate healer. I have no doubt that she will help hundreds of couples get pregnant and have healthy babies. “

Dr. Aumatma
Holistic Fertility Institute

For All Stages + For All Patients

We work with a variety of patients, both female and male, and help them at every stage of the fertility process. Whether you are young and thinking about starting a family in the future, you’re trying to conceive now, are currently pregnant, or are postpartum — no matter which phase you are in, we are ready to hear from you and connect with you.

The path to becoming a parent comes easy for some. But, for others, it’s hard and often comes with much heartache. We want to work with you and will support you in meaningful ways to help that process be much easier- filled with hope and joy.

Turn your current journey into a journey of hope and excitement. Book an appointment today.