About Our Holistic Fertility Clinic

Baby Hope Fertility is a holistic fertility clinic located in Denver, Colorado. We follow the Fertile Foundations program which is a holistic approach to treating infertility.

Meaning — we take a look at the health of both partners to uncover what could be the root cause of infertility, and then work on optimizing both partners’ health.

The program we follow for patients has helped countless families across our country, and other countries, successfully overcome their infertility challenges.


Where We’re Located

Our Holistic Fertility Clinic is proudly located in the Nurture Well Care Marketplace in Denver, Colorado.


About Jeanie Schlalfy, D.O.

Fertility Specialist | IFM & Fertile Foundations™ Certified Practitioner


Dr. Jeanie attended the University of Notre Dame and received a B.S. in Biology.  She returned to her home state of Florida to attend Medical school at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. She completed her surgical intern year at St. Joseph Hospital in Denver, Colorado and her three-year anesthesiology residency training at the University of Arizona. 

Over a decade long career practicing anesthesiology, Dr. Schlafly became fascinated with the “why” of disease. She began questioning  why chronic diseases severely affect some people and wanted to learn more about the root causes that can create life-long and systemic issues for patients.

In the meantime, Dr. Jeanie and her husband were experiencing their own fertility struggles. She decided to undergo training and receive certifications that would allow her to help her fertility journey and other patients who are experiencing fertility challenges. 

In 2019-2021, Dr. Schlafly studied and received an Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM) Practitioner Certification and trained under Dr. Aumatma Simmons and her holistic fertility program to become a certified Fertile Foundations Practitioner. 


She has an office at Nurture Wellcare Marketplace in Denver, Colorado — Baby Hope Fertility. Understanding more about the influence of food, toxins, stress, and other environmental, hormonal, and metabolic factors, Dr. Jeanie is honored, passionate and well equipped to help couples in their own fertility journey.  

Dr. Jeanie and her family live in Denver.  In her downtime, she enjoys being active and spending time outside with her family and friends, hiking, snowboarding, and riding bikes.

 Ready to meet Dr. Jeanie & learn more about the Fertile Foundations program?