Holistic Fertility Services

Pregnant women, holding belly.

Every Story is Different, So is Every Patient

We’re here to help better understand the health hurdles you face, so we can reach your fertility health goals together.

The Fertile Foundations program is based on a compilation of fertility research results and clinical experience. Dr. Schlafly trained under, Dr. Aumatma, a fertility specialist who spent many years reading fertility research and creating a holistic fertility program that yielded great results with her own patients. Thanks to Dr. Aumatma’s work, hundreds of couples have achieved their goals of having healthy babies over the years.

The program is strongly evidence-based, and the program’s success stories speak for themselves, including Dr. Jeanie Schlafly’s fertility story. There is unwritten magic in this journey; we hope you get to experience yourself.

Why We Believe in the
Fertile Foundations Program

 12 Reasons Why Fertile Foundations™ Might Be Right For You

  • 1 | Unexplained Infertility

    Your OBGYN or specialist does not have an explanation as to why you are infertile.

  • 2 | Lifestyle Factors

    When lifestyle factors are likely contributing to infertility, but patient needs support in knowing what changes to make and how.

  • 3 | Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

    Recurrent pregnancy loss - unknown reasons.

  • 4 | Endometrial Lining

    Patient needs to improve endometrial lining.

  • 5 | Endometriosis

    Known or suspected diagnosis.

  • 6 | Diminished Ovarian

    The patient has diminished ovarian reserve.

  • 7 | Acupuncture

    Patient is using acupuncture as complimentary medicine and not seeing wanted results.

  • 8 | IVF Cycles

    Failed IVF cycle(s). Or in between IVF cycles, the patient wants to know what else can be done to help increase success.

  • 9 | Disorders

    Obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, PCOS, or other metabolic disorders. As well as, hormonal disorders causing irregular/abnormal menstrual cycles, fatigue, and other symptoms.

  • 10 | Underlying Issues

    Suspected other underlying health issues including gut health, hormonal health like thyroid, adrenal fatigue, epigenetics etc.

  • 11 | Egg Quality

    Poor egg quality is suspected.

  • 12 | Herbs or Supplements

    Incorrect use of supplements could actually be detrimental to fertility. The patient needs effective guidance.

The 4-Step Fertile Foundations Program

As a certified Fertile Foundations practitioner, Dr. Jeanie Schlafly is well-equipped to help you on your journey to have a healthy baby. This program has helped many families have healthy babies; we want to help you too.

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1 | Discover - The Root Cause(s)

This step is extremely important. We are all different and there are multiple reasons why a couple may be experiencing difficulties with fertility.  We will spend lots of time talking and getting to know you and your partner’s medical history. We will ask you both lots of questions and come up with a hypothesis of what might be the root cause or causes of problems you are experiencing. We will test the hypothesis by doing the appropriate traditional and functional testing. Once we get the results back, we will be able to create a specific plan to optimize your success on this fertility journey.

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2 | Detoxify

A hormonal detoxification will be specialized to each individual based on what each person’s body needs.  There are several important additional detox steps briefly introduced here:

  1. Remove environmental toxins that have been researched and found to negatively affect men and women’s fertility

  2. Eliminate major toxins such as cigarettes, alcohol, and recreational drugs

  3. Try to eat organic as much as possible not only does this help the limit toxins, also you will be adding some nutrients from the organic soil which is often more nutrient rich.

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3 | Rebalance

The rebalance phase is a chance to dig in and take specific action based on the results of your functional medicine testing.  We’ll put together a custom plan for you and your partner. The plan may include taking supplements, monitoring cycles, modifying food plans, lifestyle changes, medication modification, among other actions. We will monitor things closely, and we’ll keep an eye on how both of you are responding to the treatment plan.

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4 | Receive

This last phase is about optimizing your emotional and mental well-being. We want to honor and help couples heal any emotional or spiritual blocks through Body Intuitive techniques (and regular sessions) in addition to other tools. Knowing and believing this will actually happen for you — is a very important part of the process.

Ready to get started? 

We are so excited to meet you and guide you through these steps!


Positivity Fertility is an all-encompassing mind, body, soul 3-month group coaching program for women and couples on their fertility journey. The program is grounded in a root cause approach that has proven success and optimizes wellness for generations to come.