Holistic Fertility FAQs

> What is Holistic Fertility in our clinic?

A program which supports partners to bring them to their optimal health focusing on potential problems in areas of health that affect fertility. The program identifies root causes and optimizes the couples’ health so that they may conceive and bring a healthy child into their lives.

> What is a Fertile Foundations Practitioner?

A fertility specialist who has been trained by Dr. Aumatma, ND in the four step program to support and enhance a couples’ fertility to help achieve a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.

> How does this clinic differ from traditional clinics?

Often couples struggling to conceive, first discuss their difficulty with an OB/GYN. What might be offered is Clomid and IUI (intrauterine insemination). Then a common next step is a referral to a reproductive endocrinologist and likely a recommendation of IVF treatment. In our clinic, we look for root causes and focus on treatment for the specific problem(s) found in the discovery phase. These treatments ultimately optimize egg and sperm health. We also support couples that want to preserve their fertility and optimize their chances of a healthy pregnancy and baby in the future. And we offer support to those who are/become pregnant through to postpartum.

> What type of services do you offer?

Support/optimize pre-pregnancy for both couples, treatment/recommendations for those actively pursuing conception, support during pregnancy and postpartum.

> Do you accept insurance?

We do not submit charges to insurance companies. We are willing to provide you a super bill for you to present to your insurance agency. Most charges are not covered by most insurance plans other than basic hormone testing which is often covered.

> What can I expect at my first visit?

The first discovery/INSIGHT session will be an approximately 45 minute conversation video or phone call reviewing the information you have submitted including your labs. (You must have specific lab results prior to our meeting - details in the schedule section).

> Do you offer or advise IVF and or have a network of IVF physicians you work with?

We are not an IVF clinic but specialize in optimizing couples/ individuals who might decide to pursue IVF. We work on maximizing egg and sperm health to give the couple/ individual their best chance of success with IVF through an IVF clinic.

And yes, we have a network of IVF physicians we recommend.